Bachelor of Science in Mathematics

Bachelor of Science in Mathematics

Unlock the Possibilities of Mathematics

数学是一种强大的工具,它的用途比你想象的要多. 在工程和计算机科学等学科中,你会发现它的存在. 但, 它还可以帮助流行病学家了解疾病的传播,或者为医学研究人员提供肿瘤生长的线索. esball国际平台客户端的数学专业学生正在利用他们的技能解决改善医院运作的问题, 在社会正义方面, in supply chain management, in building submarines and in, 好吧, 几乎所有的东西!

为什么 Study Mathematics at Clarkson?

Please don't be confused: the number one reason to study math is ... 因为你爱它. 你知道你知道. 为什么? 因为它挑战你成为一个创造性的问题解决者和批判性的思考者. 你猜怎么着? Those skills are exceptionally valued out in the real world.

esball国际平台客户端,你会发现自己和其他人一起解决现实世界的问题. 我们帮助您找到您的激情,并将您的批判性思维技能与我们的实践经验相结合,以实现令人难以置信的目标.

和, our Mathematics Class of 2023 had a 100 percent placement rate.


Our program emphasizes applied mathematics. All your classes will be taught exclusively by faculty.

Available courses include:

  • 3-D Space and Projective Geometry
  • 抽象代数
  • Automata Theory and Formal Languages
  • 微积分I, II和III
  • 计算机算法
  • 密码学
  • 微分方程
  • Discrete Mathematics and Proof
  • STEM数学入门
  • 数学建模
  • 数理统计
  • Number Theory and 它的应用程序

数学课程包括44个学分的数学和统计以及15个学分的科学. 41 credit hours are in free electives, which is enough to complete a minor or second major if you so choose.

All courses are 3 credits unless noted.

Clarkson Common Experience

以下课程是所有学生的必修课程,无论他们的学习计划如何. These courses are offered during the fall semester, FY100第一年研讨会只要求一年级学生参加. FY100和UNIV190通常在esball国际平台客户端第一年的秋季学期进行.
FY100 First-Year Seminar (1 credit)
UNIV190 The Clarkson Seminar (3 credits)

Mathematics Core Requirements

Students are required to complete the following courses:


  • MA131微积分I 
  • MA132微积分II 
  • MA200 Introduction to 数学建模 & 软件 
  • MA211 Discrete Mathematics and Proof 
  • MA231微积分III 
  • MA232 Elementary 微分方程 
  • MA321高级微积分 
  • MA339 Applied Linear Algebra 
  • MA451 Introduction to Mathematical 研究 (2 credits)
  • or MA453 Mathematical Instruction (2 credits)
  • STAT383概率 & 统计数据 


MA499 专业经验 (0 credits)


数学的选择 & 数据的选择

The mathematics major has two options. 数学选项是为对数学有普遍兴趣的学生设计的,是esball国际app院的优秀准备. 统计学选项用统计学课程取代了大三和大四的一些数学课程,旨在为学生成为统计学家或精算师做准备.


Students must complete two of the following courses:

  • 抽象代数 
  • MA313 Abstract Linear Algebra 
  • MA314数论 & 它的应用程序 
  • MA322 Advanced Calculus II 


Students must complete the following four courses:

  • STAT381概率 
  • STAT382 数理统计 
  • STAT384 Applied 统计数据 
  • STAT488 统计数据 Projects (1-3 credits)

Science Courses for Mathematics

Students must complete the following four courses:

  • CS141 Introduction to Computer Science I (4 credits)
  • PH131 物理 I (4 credits)
  • PH132 物理 II (4 credits)
  • 生物(BY)、化学(CM)或物理(PH)选修(3学分)

Knowledge Area/University Course Electives




*航空航天研究或军事科学的高级(300或400级)课程最多12个学分可能计入毕业要求. 航空航天研究或军事科学在100和200级别的学分不计入所需的120小时. Other restrictions may apply; check with the department for details.

你在数学课程中积累的技能和知识意味着你会被需要, even while you're still a student. 在过去, our math students have interned at national research laboratories, research facilities around the world and in a wide range of industries.

我们的18名全职教师积极参与研究-许多是跨学科的设置,如esball国际平台客户端 Institute for a Sustainable Environment, Institute for STEM Education,我们的数学生物团队科学(MBioTS)本科生研究经验或 Center for Complex Systems Science. You can work with them as early as your freshman year. Your projects may even qualify for academic credit.

Clarkson offers more than 200 student-run clubs and organizations. 许多人专注于工程, 计算机编程和其他你可以运用数学技能的领域. Or, you can just relax with a club sport or other activity.

See all clubs and organizations.

除主修数学的学生外,所有学生都可以选修数学辅修课程, Applied Mathematics and 统计数据, 数据科学, 数学经济学. To complete the minor the student must achieve at least a 2.下列七门三学分课程平均成绩为0分:

MA200 Introduction to 数学建模 and 软件
MA211 Discrete Mathematics and Proof
MA230 3-D Space and Projective Geometry
DS241 Introduction to 数据科学
MA232 Elementary 微分方程
MA239 Elementary Linear Algebra
MA277 Elementary Numerical Methods
Any 3-credit MA or STAT course at the 300-level or above.

Any CS course which is double-listed as an MA course at the 300-level or above 也 counts toward the minor; check with the 数学系 for details.

至少四分之一的学时要求必须在esball国际平台客户端完成, 除非文理学院院长批准例外.


即使是建立成功企业所必需的最小决策也取决于更大的经济因素. 劳动力、材料、金融——你必须了解每一个,才能知道该用哪根杠杆. An economics minor gives you insight into business, as 好吧 as the forces that shape society around the world. Learn more about the economics minor.


将数学技能与物理基础相结合,可以帮助你理解周围的世界. 雇主 in fields as diverse as engineering, 计算机科学和金融重视物理和数学——它们也会重视你, 也. Many physics majors will choose to double major in mathematics. 请参阅我们的手册,看看那个双专业的范例程序. Learn more about the physics minor.


当生物学家需要确定一种入侵植物在校园附近河流中的传播速度时, they turned to mathematics — and Kyle Monette '22 — for the answer.

See 为什么 Math Is So Versatile


Math is a "Swiss Army Knife.“近年来, esball国际平台客户端数学课程的毕业生都以数学家的身份在工业和政府部门解决问题, statisticians and actuaries.

You won't have to look hard: according to the U.S. 劳工统计局对数学家和统计学家的需求是 expected to grow 31 percent by 2031.

但在工业界或学术界,你的职位头衔可能不会是“统计学家”或“数学家”.“行业只需要有良好的定量分析和解决问题能力的人. 和, 公司获得这种能力最简单的方法就是雇佣一个数学专业的学生, 不管他们是否雇佣他们到他们的供应链分支, quality control or data analytics.

Some common jobs might include:

  • 精算师
  • 分析师
  • 译解密码者
  • 客户技术代表
  • 数据科学家
  • 数学老师或教授
  • Quantitative analyst (finance)
  • 软件工程师
  • 系统工程师

Recent 雇主 and Graduate Programs

Clarkson students are in demand by private industry, though many choose to go on to graduate programs. In recent years, our students have pursued the next step with:

  • BAE系统公司
  • 博思艾伦汉密尔顿
  • esball国际平台客户端 (MS and PhD programs)
  • 康奈尔大学
  • 乡村生活贷款
  • Dev10(创世纪10)
  • 史诗
  • General Dynamics Electric Boat
  • 通用电气(General Electric)
  • 谷歌
  • 哈里斯公司
  • Miller Institute for Basic 研究 in Science
  • mthree
  • Old Forge Electric
  • 进步的公司
  • 雷神导弹 & 国防
  • St. 劳伦斯健康


电话: 315-268-2395

想了解更多esball国际平台客户端数学课程的信息,或者想知道你在这里可以期待什么? 让我们知道. 

100 Percent Placement Undergrad - Program Specific


当你需要超强的计算能力来解决复杂的问题时, turn to ACRES — our high-performance computing cluster. 加速工程与科学计算研究的简称, ACRES delivers 160 teraflops of solving speed.



看看esball国际平台客户端的数学学士学位如何帮助你到达你想去的地方. Contact us today to find out more.