Information for New Students

Advanced placement credit, 定义为在高中或大学入学前获得的大学水平学分, 可以通过在大学水平考试计划考试中取得优异成绩而获得, College Board Advanced Placement Examinations, 或由相关部门专门准备或批准的考试,或通过将在其他地方获得的大学学分转移. 国际学士学位高级课程也会被考虑. 除非学生能够通过测试显示出熟练程度,否则不会授予非大学工作的转学分. The following conditions apply:

  1. 大学水平考试计划(CLEP)适用于课程的课程学分将给予在个别科目考试中得分为60分及以上的申请人. 四门综合考试(人文)不计入学分, College Mathematics, Natural Sciences, and Social Sciences and History.
  2. 申请人成功完成大学理事会大学先修课程考试(AP考试),成绩达到四(4)或更高,可以获得适用于大学课程的课程学分.
  3. 所有先修学分由学生成就服务中心根据大学学术单位制定的政策分配. 先修课程应该在学生第一次在校注册之前确定, 但必须在学生第二次在校注册前完成. 基于测试或考试的先修学分(包括AP, CLEP, IB等).) will be limited to a combined 30 credit hours. 学分将在收到官方考试成绩表明合格分数后授予.
  4. 从其他机构转来的大学水平课程的先修学分将在收到esball国际平台客户端课程提供部门评估为适合esball国际平台客户端学分的C或更高成绩的正式大学成绩单和课程描述后授予.

Advanced Placement Examinations (AP Exams)

大多数在esball国际平台客户端获得先修学分的学生都参加了大学理事会的先修考试. The most common areas are listed below. 大多数其他科目的成绩在4分或以上时可获学分 official test scores sent to Clarkson.

Clarkson's CollegeBoard School Code is 2084. Contact information for the CollegeBoard:

Visit Website     
1-888-225-5427 (toll free)    

基于测试或考试的大学先修学分(包括AP, CLEP, IB等).) will be limited to a combined 30 hours. For further information, please contact us.


^请注意,这些物理考试的学分不能代替PH 131或PH 132, courses required by many Clarkson 
AP ExamScoreCU CourseCredits
Biology4BY 100, Biology Elective with Lab4
Biology5BY 140/142, Biology I & BY 160/162, Biology II 10
Chemistry4CM 131, General Chemistry I4
Chemistry5CM 131, General Chemistry I & CM 132, General Chemistry II8
Computer Science A*4, 5CS 141, Intro to Computer Science4
English Lang & Composition4, 5COMM 210, Theory of Rhetoric for Business, Science & Engineering3
English Lit & Composition4, 5LIT 101, Literature & Writing3
Calculus AB4, 5MA 131, Calculus I*3
Calculus BC4MA 131, Calculus I*3
Calculus BC5MA 131, Calculus I & MA 132, Calculus II*6
Physics C, Mechanics4, 5PH 131, Physics I4
Physics C, Elect & Mag4, 5PH 132, Physics II4
Physics 1 (Algebra based)^4, 5SC 141, Introduction to Physics I4
Physics 2 (Algebra based)^4, 5SC 142, Introduction to Physics II4

 Don't see your exam on the list? Check out this link 了解一些不太常见的AP考试的转学信息!

*Credit by Examination at Clarkson

在某些情况下,新生有可能参加由各自院系提供的特殊高级考试. A satisfactory grade enables a student to receive credit. 这种考试的形式和可用性由适当的部门主席决定. 鼓励对考试学分感兴趣的学生尽早通知适当的部门,以便安排双方方便的时间参加考试. 注意:计划参加微积分考试的学生无需另行安排. That exam is scheduled during the first week of the term.

esball国际平台客户端将考虑以下先进的学分:AP, CLEP, GCE, GCSE, IB, A-levels, French Baccalaureate, Arbitur, Italian Maturita and the Swiss Maturite. While credit is usually granted, there are situations, due to the technical nature of some of the programs, where it is not. Each case will be reviewed on an individual basis. 基于测试或考试的大学先修学分(包括AP, CLEP, IB等).) will be limited to a combined 30 hours.

To be eligible for AP credit for MA 131 or MA 132, 一年级学生还必须在数学准备调查中取得令人满意的成绩(在5月下旬进行),或者在秋季学期的第一周成功完成校内高级考试.

计算机科学系每年为新生安排一次c++或Java考试. 取得满意成绩的学生可获得CS 141计算机科学入门课程I的学分. The exam may also be taken in other pre-approved languages. 更多信息请联系计算机科学系.

Advanced Placement Credit Through College Course Transfer

进入esball国际平台客户端的学生可能在高中时已经上过大学课程. 如果获得C或更高的成绩,这些课程将被考虑为学术转学分. 学生应尽快将正式成绩单和课程描述发送给学生成就服务中心. 该课程将由负责该课程的学术部门评估是否可以转学分.

International Baccalaureate Recognition Policy

esball国际平台客户端承认IB文凭是优秀的大学预科课程,并寻求有此准备的候选人. 大学在高级考试中获得5至7分的成绩,可以获得高级学位和/或学分. 学分将在与申请人预期的学术部门协商后按课程授予. 附属水平考试不获提前学分,但所修课程符合入学要求.

IB CourseScoreCU CourseCredits
Biology HL5BY100, Biology Elective with Lab4
Biology HL6, 7BY 140/142 Biology I, and BY 160/162 Biology II10
Business & Mgmt HL5, 6, 7SB 01, Business Elective3
Chemistry HL5, 6CM 131, General Chemistry I 4
Chemistry HL7CM 131 General Chemistry I & CM 132, General Chemistry II8
Computer Science HL5, 6, 7CS 141 and CS 142, Intro to Computer Science I, II7
Design Tech HL5, 6, 7TECH 100, Design Technology3
Economics HL5, 6, 7EC 02, Economics Elective3
English A15, 6, 7LIT 101, Literature and Writing3
European History HL5, 6, 7HIST 100, European History Survey3
Geography HL5, 6, 7SS 230, Introduction to Human Geography3
History HL5, 6, 7HIST 101, World History Survey3
History of the Americas HL5, 6, 7HIST 102, History of the Americas Survey3
Islamic History HL5, 6, 7HIST 103, Islamic History Survey3
Mathematics HL5MA 180, Introduction to College Mathematics4
Mathematics HL6, 7MA 131, Calculus I3
Music HL5, 6, 7ARTS 200, Music Through the Ages3
Philosophy HL5, 6, 7PHIL 201, History of Western Philosophy3
Physics HL5, 6SC 141, Introduction to Physics I4
Physics HL7SC 141 & SC142, Introduction to Physics I, II8
Psychology HL5No credit0
Psychology HL6, 7PY 151, Introduction to Psychology3
Social Anthropology HL5, 6, 7ANTH 200, Introduction to Culture and Society3
Visual Arts HL5, 6, 7ARTS 100, Introduction to Art3
IB Languages:

-- A1, A2语言将获得中级语言学分,并将满足文化和社会(CSO)知识领域   
-- B languages will receive introductory Language credit

If you have further questions or need more information, 请联系SAS中心格雷厄姆大厅或致电315-268-6451或电子邮件

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